Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Anxious for nothing

God is faithful. I know this full well and being that He is faithful, He does not dissapoint us. When we delight ourselves in the Lord, the desires He has for our lives become our desires and of course He is eager to grant them (Psalm 37:4). This year so far has been the most amazing, exciting, celebrating, challenging and faith stretching time of my life so far.

There are so many things i am believing God for and in waiting for God to manifest His promises in my life, I've realized that it's one thing to quote scripture, but to live it is a completely different story!

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Phillipians 4:6

Lately I have been frustated over my frustration if that makes any sense. Sometimes I get worked up and such, because I don't always feel "anxious for nothing". Clearly the Lord knew that His children would be anxious about many things, as their are scriptures all through the bible telling us to trust Him, seek Him, not to worry, etc. This is a process though, sometimes we can be so hard on ourselves. Then we have to be reminded that it's not in our own strength; only the power of God can do this through us. Of course we have to do our part by drawing close to Him and knowing His word.

To sum all this up, sometimes we beat ourselves up with scriptures. Remember, there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. God is faithful, He will do exactly what He said He will do. He has not forgotten you. DOn't focus on what it looks like, but know what He says in His word. He does not lie. You will not suffer shame and you will not be humiliated.

Prayer for you:

Father, thank you for being a faithful dad to us. Thank you that you are working on my behalf right now, especially in the areas where I cannot see you. Lord I trust you and will not lean unto my own understanding. Thank you that you have a plan for my life and it is not to harm me. I know that all things work together for the good of those who love you and are called according to your purpose. Help me to step out on faith and believe you completely to do what you said you would do in your word. I love you Lord.

In Jesus name I pray,
