Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Test of the Heart

Test of the Heart

"Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the desert these forty years, to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep His commands." - Deuteronomy 8:2

One day, very late last year, I was in my car crying out to God. I did not understand His activity in my life AT ALL. I felt like an outcast, confused and frustrated. After seeing several friends/sisters in Christ being blessed with the very blessing I so desired; marriage. After not seeing any sign of the manifestation of my prayer in my own life; I was hurt. I kept reminding myself that the bible tells us to rejoice with those whom are rejoicing, however I could not help but to ask the Lord; “Father, what about my answered prayer”? “When is it my time”, “Why so long of a wait, Why so hard”? Many of these women I had prayed with/fasted with and so on; I was filled with joy to see the manifestation of answered prayer in their lives. However, it caused me to question God’s activity in my life.

As, I was praying and crying to God I began to ask Him, “Is there something I did wrong or am not doing Lord”; so many questions I had!! I then heard Him say in a sweet, settle voice; ‘Lynnea, I look at the heart”. Although, I did not completely get it then, I believe that I do now.

Months later and to the natural eye, it still “appears” that there is not a sign of the manifestation of that answered prayer. However, the Lord has given me a mighty revelation. That season, was not at all about God punishing me or trying to “dangle” others blessings in my face. But, the purpose was for God to test my heart. It has indeed been a humbling experience. But, I thank God for it!

This past weekend, as I was going to one of my dear friends bridal shower, I became so overcome with joy. I began to think how much of a blessing it is to celebrate what God has done is someone else’s life whom you love. I feel privileged to be able to witness God’s faithfulness and love in a sisters’ life. I look forward to many other celebrations as well!

If you, my friend, have ever or do right now feel that things don’t make much sense and add up in your life right now, remember God is sovereign. He know’s from beginning to end! Trust Him, have faith, rejoice and praise Him, regardless of how you feel! He is God, EVERYDAY, He does not take a day off ;-) He knows exactly how you feel and He cares; more important than anything; He has the answer (Proverbs 3:5,6 and Matt 6:33).

Through this, I have learned so much about myself and learned more about loving others. God has been able to cleanse my spirit from some unfruitful branches. To God be all the Glory!
I am praying for you!!

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