Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I will believe the report of the Lord!

Lately so many of my friends and associates are getting engaged and married; I mean a large amount of people here! Although I am very happy for them and look forward to celebrating with them, it's only normal that it has been very hard for me to not at times throw myself a pity party or even cry myself to sleep or better yet have to fight bitterness from developing in my heart. I thank God for the desire to be married and I equally thank him for blessing me to be single for the time that I have, but the truth of the matter is; it is a fight.
I often feel like if you are not dating someone or if you don't have a man (for my sisters) or a woman (for my brothers) on your arm; you are looked at with pity by some or others feel sorry for you, it may even seem that some think of you as less of a person. Not to mention the awkward conversations that you try to dodge when others begin to talk about their husbands or wives or ask you why you are still single.
I could go on and on about this, but I choose not to. I rather talk about what's most important here; CHRIST. Only what we do for Him really matters. That's what it all sums up to.
So in our waiting, our praying and believing God for that special one. Remember God has a plan for us in ALL seasons of our lives. Although not all seasons are desirable or better yet easy; God remains the same through them all. I encourage you as I encourage myself that if you are feeling at all lonely, left out, or like an outcast; Know that the Father loves us so much and He desires to have our heart before anyone else does!!
I have learned that we cannot make a desire bigger than our Father; we will be miserable if we do this and will be out of His will if we begin to seek our desires over our relationship and desire with the Lord!
Know that God knows all of your hearts concerns and desires and He is going to bless you in a way that only He can! I believe that!!
So, stop comparing yourself to others (I know it's hard), please don't feel sorry for yourself (you are blessed; fearfully and wonderfully made)! There is nothing wrong with crying out to God and telling Him how you feel; He actually desires that!
Don't worry about what statistics say and what you see ahead of you. Remember what the bible says faith is; http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Hebrews+11%3A1&version=KJV. Be encouraged and believe the report of the Lord.
Delight in Him and He will give you the desires of your heart! His promises are all up and through His word!
I'm praying for you and am praising God in advance for the wonderful plans He has for your life ; be encouraged!!

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