Friday, August 6, 2010

Honestly- I have to be real

I am at the point of total frustration at this point in my life. I thought for sure by now, my husband would be in my life. I have prayed, fasted, prayed, fasted, and prayed some more. Have trusted, have believed, have stood firm. Have celebrated with and for others, while so many others have prayed for me as well. I can't believe he is not here yet. It seems like no matter what I do, I don't SEE the answer to my prayer regarding a husband. I'm so frustrated and my heart is somewhat broken from dissapointment. Maybe I set up wrong expectations. I'm just really suprised that it takes all of this for the prayer to be answered. My friends and I have done warfare prayers, prayed weekly for him and then I. Lord, what is it? Why have I not yet seen the manifestation of the desire of my heart for a husband. I keep trying to build myself up through prayer and the word and it gets harder and harder!! What does a girl have to do??? I'm really hurting and I'm crying out to you, but can't even hear anything back. I could go on and on about this, but I need to see you in this Father, because I have to be honest. I feel like I am being punished. How many more events do I have to go to alone? How many times am I gonna have to cry from frustration in not seeing the answer, how many more lonely nights must I go through? How many dissapointments from wanting to get a phone call after work, with him on the other end telling me that he just is calling to see how I am doing, how my day is. I mean, can a sister get a hook up. I desire the friendship, the companionship and the love. You know the love as Christ loves the church..... I wanna be somebodies helpmeet, I want to love, support and respect a man of God. I want to raise children with him. I want to go to family reunions and celebrations with him. I want to read the word with him and pray with him. I want to see his face and hear his voice and know who he is; no games. So what is going on??? You know my heart Lord and my desire for a husband is real. So when does the answer come so that I can see it? I'm in my purpose and serving which is a blessing, but I still feel that something is missing. Now, even in all my frustration I know that can't no man love me like Jesus. You have been there through the good, bad and real ugly! But Lord, you gave me the desire. The closer I grow to you, the stronger the desire gets. The nights are gettign a WHOLE lot longer for me Lord and so many of my friends are marrying off as well. Where is he??????????????????????

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