Monday, August 23, 2010

I feel better and it’s because of you!

Lord, I want to thank you. The last post I put up before this one, was very “emotional crisis”. You already know that though. Anyway, I just want to thank you, because I feel so much better. Last night and this morning, I have been thinking of how blessed I am to be where I am right now in my life. You are teaching me SO much and have placed me around mentors that pour into my life and are being used by you to prepare me for whatever ministry and kingdom work you have for me. I’ve learned that even though, it’s not an easy time in my life, that I really need to enjoy this time. Right now, I can get up freely, go where I want to go and come back when I want to come back. I can spend as much time with you as I want! I thank you for allowing me to work in your Kingdom like never before in this season. For I know that nothing that I am doing is in vain and that where I am is no coincidence. I don’t have to, nor will I pity my life or the seasons that you bless me to walk in. I am fearfully and wonderfully made and you love me! Thank you for your love Lord! Just because I am waiting in you for some things that I so desire, does not mean I have to feel or appear miserable. The devil is a big fat liar! I am victorious in Christ Jesus. I am standing on your promises and serving you. I know that you will bless me in your time, I love you Lord! Thank you :-)



Friday, August 6, 2010

Honestly- I have to be real

I am at the point of total frustration at this point in my life. I thought for sure by now, my husband would be in my life. I have prayed, fasted, prayed, fasted, and prayed some more. Have trusted, have believed, have stood firm. Have celebrated with and for others, while so many others have prayed for me as well. I can't believe he is not here yet. It seems like no matter what I do, I don't SEE the answer to my prayer regarding a husband. I'm so frustrated and my heart is somewhat broken from dissapointment. Maybe I set up wrong expectations. I'm just really suprised that it takes all of this for the prayer to be answered. My friends and I have done warfare prayers, prayed weekly for him and then I. Lord, what is it? Why have I not yet seen the manifestation of the desire of my heart for a husband. I keep trying to build myself up through prayer and the word and it gets harder and harder!! What does a girl have to do??? I'm really hurting and I'm crying out to you, but can't even hear anything back. I could go on and on about this, but I need to see you in this Father, because I have to be honest. I feel like I am being punished. How many more events do I have to go to alone? How many times am I gonna have to cry from frustration in not seeing the answer, how many more lonely nights must I go through? How many dissapointments from wanting to get a phone call after work, with him on the other end telling me that he just is calling to see how I am doing, how my day is. I mean, can a sister get a hook up. I desire the friendship, the companionship and the love. You know the love as Christ loves the church..... I wanna be somebodies helpmeet, I want to love, support and respect a man of God. I want to raise children with him. I want to go to family reunions and celebrations with him. I want to read the word with him and pray with him. I want to see his face and hear his voice and know who he is; no games. So what is going on??? You know my heart Lord and my desire for a husband is real. So when does the answer come so that I can see it? I'm in my purpose and serving which is a blessing, but I still feel that something is missing. Now, even in all my frustration I know that can't no man love me like Jesus. You have been there through the good, bad and real ugly! But Lord, you gave me the desire. The closer I grow to you, the stronger the desire gets. The nights are gettign a WHOLE lot longer for me Lord and so many of my friends are marrying off as well. Where is he??????????????????????

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Stop Pretending

Why do we pretend or where these masks around others, when God knows ALL about us; our thoughts, our struggles?? If you think about it, it's much harder to hold things in and bottle them up than to release it. I had to pull over off the street today and just have a talk with God. It's so easy to try to hide things from God by not talking to Him about it and get even more frustrated, but what's the point? We can't hide anything from Him, He's all knowing. Did He ever tell us that He would be too busy for even the smallest concern we have? Or does the Lord have to check His schedule to see if He has time to hear us/spend time with us? Thankfully NO. Our transparency is deliverence and freedom for us as well.

I am encouraged when I am reminded that He is right there and He wants to hear from me. My faith is being tested in a lot of areas in my life like NEVER before, but I thank Father that I can come to Him about anything, no matter what time of the day or season.

Nothing deep ya'll just reflecting.....

Be blessed, trust God!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Anxious for nothing

God is faithful. I know this full well and being that He is faithful, He does not dissapoint us. When we delight ourselves in the Lord, the desires He has for our lives become our desires and of course He is eager to grant them (Psalm 37:4). This year so far has been the most amazing, exciting, celebrating, challenging and faith stretching time of my life so far.

There are so many things i am believing God for and in waiting for God to manifest His promises in my life, I've realized that it's one thing to quote scripture, but to live it is a completely different story!

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Phillipians 4:6

Lately I have been frustated over my frustration if that makes any sense. Sometimes I get worked up and such, because I don't always feel "anxious for nothing". Clearly the Lord knew that His children would be anxious about many things, as their are scriptures all through the bible telling us to trust Him, seek Him, not to worry, etc. This is a process though, sometimes we can be so hard on ourselves. Then we have to be reminded that it's not in our own strength; only the power of God can do this through us. Of course we have to do our part by drawing close to Him and knowing His word.

To sum all this up, sometimes we beat ourselves up with scriptures. Remember, there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. God is faithful, He will do exactly what He said He will do. He has not forgotten you. DOn't focus on what it looks like, but know what He says in His word. He does not lie. You will not suffer shame and you will not be humiliated.

Prayer for you:

Father, thank you for being a faithful dad to us. Thank you that you are working on my behalf right now, especially in the areas where I cannot see you. Lord I trust you and will not lean unto my own understanding. Thank you that you have a plan for my life and it is not to harm me. I know that all things work together for the good of those who love you and are called according to your purpose. Help me to step out on faith and believe you completely to do what you said you would do in your word. I love you Lord.

In Jesus name I pray,


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Test of the Heart

Test of the Heart

"Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the desert these forty years, to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep His commands." - Deuteronomy 8:2

One day, very late last year, I was in my car crying out to God. I did not understand His activity in my life AT ALL. I felt like an outcast, confused and frustrated. After seeing several friends/sisters in Christ being blessed with the very blessing I so desired; marriage. After not seeing any sign of the manifestation of my prayer in my own life; I was hurt. I kept reminding myself that the bible tells us to rejoice with those whom are rejoicing, however I could not help but to ask the Lord; “Father, what about my answered prayer”? “When is it my time”, “Why so long of a wait, Why so hard”? Many of these women I had prayed with/fasted with and so on; I was filled with joy to see the manifestation of answered prayer in their lives. However, it caused me to question God’s activity in my life.

As, I was praying and crying to God I began to ask Him, “Is there something I did wrong or am not doing Lord”; so many questions I had!! I then heard Him say in a sweet, settle voice; ‘Lynnea, I look at the heart”. Although, I did not completely get it then, I believe that I do now.

Months later and to the natural eye, it still “appears” that there is not a sign of the manifestation of that answered prayer. However, the Lord has given me a mighty revelation. That season, was not at all about God punishing me or trying to “dangle” others blessings in my face. But, the purpose was for God to test my heart. It has indeed been a humbling experience. But, I thank God for it!

This past weekend, as I was going to one of my dear friends bridal shower, I became so overcome with joy. I began to think how much of a blessing it is to celebrate what God has done is someone else’s life whom you love. I feel privileged to be able to witness God’s faithfulness and love in a sisters’ life. I look forward to many other celebrations as well!

If you, my friend, have ever or do right now feel that things don’t make much sense and add up in your life right now, remember God is sovereign. He know’s from beginning to end! Trust Him, have faith, rejoice and praise Him, regardless of how you feel! He is God, EVERYDAY, He does not take a day off ;-) He knows exactly how you feel and He cares; more important than anything; He has the answer (Proverbs 3:5,6 and Matt 6:33).

Through this, I have learned so much about myself and learned more about loving others. God has been able to cleanse my spirit from some unfruitful branches. To God be all the Glory!
I am praying for you!!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I love talking about love ;-)

4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8Love never fails.

I am learning that Love is more proactive than it is reactive. Actually, it should not be based on reaction at all. In 1 Corinthians 13, the love chapter, what is said about love? That's exactly what's said; Love IS. To "IS", excuse my grammar, you must do or already be. The bible does not say love will be or love should be it says love is. The bible also does not say love should not, probably not or would not, it says love never. So to love someone its not about the mere feeling of emotions (although these emotions that can accompany love feel great and God blessed us with them)!

Love is certainly an action and it's should not be only responsive. Love is God! God is gracious and compassionate ( kind, not rude, not self seeking) He is slow to anger ( patient, is not easily angered) and rich in love (always protects, trusts, perserveres, love never fails).

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The company you keep!

Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character." Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God-I say this to your shame. 1 Corinthians 15:33-34

In this wisdom that Paul shares, not only can we apply this to not hanging around people who will have a negative influence on us. However, it also speaks to the company we keep when no one is even around.

Bill Hybels wrote a book called, "Who you are when no one is looking". It speaks to how many of us are great in putting on these masks when we are around others, but being someone completely different when behind close doors. Why do we do this when God sees all? Isnt His way far more important than others opinions and perceptions of us? (I have to remind myself of this all the time!)

So, bad company could be who's on the other end of that phone or what's on that computer screen that you are looking at. Bad company could be that song that is coming through the radio airwaves or that television show that's playing in the background while your cooking, cleaning, etc.

The enemy comes in any way He can, the bible says He comes to kill, steal and destroy. Keep that joker under your feet and be discerning about the company you keep. Even when no one is around.